Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do we lie about who we are?

"I got tired of lying about who I am" are the first words of Elaine Mar's memoir, Paper Daughter. What does this line promise us? How do we lie about our own identities?


Molly said...

I use my background to advantage when I can and hide it when I don't feel like the person I'm talking to will appreciate or understand it. Being from a rural state, people tend to imagine I'm from a poor farming family. While such a story would make me different and set me apart from others, I really just had a boring suburban type of life like many people. But who wants to be boring? I'd rather lie sometimes, to be honest.

Tinkerbell Babii said...

I feel that line promises us that that she has not been true to herself. She changes for the diffent People that she is around to please there needs. I feel I might Lie about my idenity when I'm with the places I go. I'm a real socail butterfly but I just cut my true self off in certain situations with certain people.

hot sexy stud aka stephon said...

When i was young then yes i lie about who i was becasue i wanted to make my parents proud of me and i neverwnated to tell them who i am because i didnt know if they would stil love me even if they found out who i am so yes so do somr times lie about who we are.

~model diva~Gl@m said...

I think thatlieing about who you are is never a choice "eng 11" because who you are is something speacial and should never be hidden. I was told that if you don't know your past and don't recognize it, you don't have a future. You should always be proud of who you are and let it show becasue if you have to hide it you are really setting yourself apart from others.

Ant said...

We lie about our identities to only to enhance our image and the way other people look at us from a far. Like if someone really liked someone who was older than them they might lie about their age.

{juice~c} {felecia} said...

Sometimes we lie about who we are because we want to fit in with a group of people. Like Yee(or her American name Elaine) she had to change her name, speech, and way of living to fit into American lifstyle. Most people lie about who they are to try and erase thier past lives that they dont want to relive agian. The line "I got tired of lying about who i am" simply means that she got tired of living in a lie. Tired of having to change her self in order to fit in.

Mz.YUng MoNeY{kaReeSE} said...

I think that people tend to lie about who they are by changing their identity. This includes phyical features, names, and lying about their past. I believe that no one should be ashamed about who they are or where they come from. This quote "I got tired of lying about who I am" promises us that if we keep lying about who we are we will get tired of making up lies and eventually be forced to tell the truth about ourselves.

-De.Tony said...

I think that this line is giving some what of a confession,simply because of the fact that this is an person that is going through a chrisis and they only way to deal with such thing is to jus be happy and accept youself.Dont try to completly change who you are but learn to work and adjust to different things in which you normally wouldn't do.We as people often lie about our identities to spice up how people view us or to fit in with a certain group(in this case a different society) in which we are not born or accepted into.


At some point I agree with you but then i dont because sometimes you have to lie to get what u want but then of again maybe if you tell the truth bout somethings then u should'nt have lie but in this case i would have lie and the reason why is because beens as thoough reading bout where she come from and the lifestyle that she has.I also strongly agree on the apart where it say that she hide or basically try not to remember where she cum from when she's talking to someone that she feel as though their not appreciate or understand where she's coming from. So she choose to give herself a better lifestyle so people won't look at her differently or judge her on where she come from.

Tinkerbell Babii said...

I feel that that would be a good fix that way you can still be you, and adjust but never lose your true selve

Nellieboo said...

Felecia, I agree with you and I liked the way you said and explained your comment. Also, some people feel that they are forced to lie about who they are because society puts labels on what is good or what is bad, what is right or what is wrong and a lot of the time we feel like we have to live by those standards. We don't realize that we make society and we have the power to change it so that we don't need to lie about who we are.

.........Mz.Kutie is back!!!!!!!!! said...

In my opinion I feel as though no matter how many trials and tribulations that come up against I would never lie about who I am.However in Elaine situation it was an enforcement that was brought upon her. My identity will always remain same because that's a promise I made upon myself. Successful is what I am, and identity tags along with it!!!!!!1

Ant said...

To Tinkerbell babii and Eng 11::
I feel as though you shouldn't have to lie to impress no one under no circumstance. No matter how much someone can change their apperance, name, home, even skin color deep down you know who you are and you are going to be that person.
Truthfully I feel that lying about being boring is pointless
(no offense) due to that fact that you are going to have the same interests regardless of what the people are around you like or don't.

Nellieboo said...

That is a good point Dechelle. Sometimes we do have to adjust to different situations and sometimes that means we have to make changes within ourselves. Not necessarily to create a new identity, but to change ourselves and to make us more open to other things. Change doesn't automatically mean lie about who you are, but it can mean to mold and shape something about you into something better.

Mz.YUng MoNeY{kaReeSE} said...

I agree with Mz. Kutie is back!!!!! because I would never change my identity or lie about who I am. You are right in Elaine's case it was forced upon her.I want to know, Do you feel like Elaine is going to like being American or is Elaine gonna explode from the pressure??

Tamia said...

i feel that it promise us to never be afraid to show who you really are just be your yourself no matter what challenges you would have to face in the future. we all have our ways of lying about our identities its just a matter of time to reveal yourself and get over the fear of what others might think of you. We lie by hiding behind the false truth of your history of your family, your life style, and your personality. you should never be a shame of yourself and who you are.

Anonymous said...

I think the line tells you that she had so, many identities she got tired of switching roles. But none of them identifies her. People lie about their identity when they put their clothes that don’t describe them. So if you are angry you wear red to show that you are mad.